Control Libraries 7.4.0
No Matches
1#include "robot_model_bindings.hpp"
3#include <robot_model/Model.hpp>
5using namespace state_representation;
7void inverse_kinematics_parameters(py::module_& m) {
8 py::class_<InverseKinematicsParameters> c(m, "InverseKinematicsParameters");
9 c.def(py::init());
10 c.def_readwrite("damp", &InverseKinematicsParameters::damp);
11 c.def_readwrite("alpha", &InverseKinematicsParameters::alpha);
12 c.def_readwrite("gamma", &InverseKinematicsParameters::gamma);
13 c.def_readwrite("margin", &InverseKinematicsParameters::margin);
14 c.def_readwrite("tolerance", &InverseKinematicsParameters::tolerance);
15 c.def_readwrite("max_number_of_iterations", &InverseKinematicsParameters::max_number_of_iterations);
18void qp_inverse_velocity_parameters(py::module_& m) {
19 py::class_<QPInverseVelocityParameters> c(m, "QPInverseVelocityParameters");
20 c.def(py::init());
21 c.def_readwrite("alpha", &QPInverseVelocityParameters::alpha);
22 c.def_readwrite("proportional_gain", &QPInverseVelocityParameters::proportional_gain);
23 c.def_readwrite("linear_velocity_limit", &QPInverseVelocityParameters::linear_velocity_limit);
24 c.def_readwrite("angular_velocity_limit", &QPInverseVelocityParameters::angular_velocity_limit);
25 c.def_readwrite("dt", &QPInverseVelocityParameters::dt);
28void model(py::module_& m) {
29 m.def("create_urdf_from_string", &Model::create_urdf_from_string, "Creates a URDF file with desired path and name from a string (possibly the robot description string from the ROS parameter server).", "urdf_string"_a, "desired_path"_a);
31 py::class_<Model> c(m, "Model");
33 c.def(py::init<const std::string&, const std::string&>(), "Constructor with robot name and path to URDF file.", "robot_name"_a, "urdf_path"_a);
34 c.def(py::init<const Model&>(), "Copy constructor from another Model", "model"_a);
36 c.def("get_robot_name", &Model::get_robot_name, "Getter of the robot name.");
37 c.def("set_robot_name", &Model::set_robot_name, "Setter of the robot name.", "robot_name"_a);
38 c.def("get_urdf_path", &Model::get_urdf_path, "Getter of the URDF path.");
39 c.def("get_number_of_joints", &Model::get_number_of_joints, "Getter of the number of joints.");
40 c.def("get_joint_frames", &Model::get_joint_frames, "Getter of the joint frames of the model.");
41 c.def("get_frames", &Model::get_frames, "Getter of the frames of the model.");
42 c.def("get_base_frame", &Model::get_base_frame, "Getter of the base frame of the model.");
43 c.def("get_gravity_vector", &Model::get_gravity_vector, "Getter of the gravity vector.");
44 c.def("set_gravity_vector", &Model::set_gravity_vector, "Setter of the gravity vector.", "gravity"_a);
45// c.def("get_pinocchio_model", &Model::get_pinocchio_model, "Getter of the pinocchio model.");
47 c.def(
48 "compute_jacobian", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&, const std::string&>(&Model::compute_jacobian),
49 "Compute the Jacobian from a given joint state at the frame given in parameter.", "joint_positions"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""));
50 c.def(
51 "compute_jacobian_time_derivative", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&, const JointVelocities&, const std::string&>(&Model::compute_jacobian_time_derivative),
52 "Compute the time derivative of the Jacobian from given joint positions and velocities at the frame in parameter.", "joint_positions"_a, "joint_velocities"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""));
53 c.def("compute_inertia_matrix", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&>(&Model::compute_inertia_matrix), "Compute the Inertia matrix from given joint positions.", "joint_positions"_a);
54 c.def(
55 "compute_inertia_torques", py::overload_cast<const JointState&>(&Model::compute_inertia_torques),
56 "Compute the Inertia torques, i.e the inertia matrix multiplied by the joint accelerations. Joint positions are needed as well for computations of the inertia matrix.", "joint_state"_a);
57 c.def("compute_coriolis_matrix", py::overload_cast<const JointState&>(&Model::compute_coriolis_matrix), "Compute the Coriolis matrix from a given joint state.", "joint_state"_a);
58 c.def(
59 "compute_coriolis_torques", py::overload_cast<const JointState&>(&Model::compute_coriolis_torques),
60 "Compute the Coriolis torques, i.e. the Coriolis matrix multiplied by the joint velocities and express the result as a JointTorques.", "joint_state"_a);
61 c.def("compute_gravity_torques", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&>(&Model::compute_gravity_torques), "Compute the gravity torques.", "joint_positions"_a);
63 c.def("forward_kinematics", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&, const std::vector<std::string>&>(&Model::forward_kinematics),
64 "Compute the forward kinematics, i.e. the pose of certain frames from the joint positions", "joint_positions"_a, "frames"_a);
65 c.def("forward_kinematics", py::overload_cast<const JointPositions&, const std::string&>(&Model::forward_kinematics),
66 "Compute the forward kinematics, i.e. the pose of the frame from the joint positions", "joint_positions"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""));
68 c.def("inverse_kinematics", py::overload_cast<const CartesianPose&, const InverseKinematicsParameters&, const std::string&>(&Model::inverse_kinematics),
69 "Compute the inverse kinematics, i.e. joint positions from the pose of the end-effector in an iterative manner", "cartesian_pose"_a, "parameters"_a = InverseKinematicsParameters(), "frame"_a = std::string(""));
70 c.def("inverse_kinematics", py::overload_cast<const CartesianPose&, const JointPositions&, const InverseKinematicsParameters&, const std::string&>(&Model::inverse_kinematics),
71 " Compute the inverse kinematics, i.e. joint positions from the pose of the end-effector", "cartesian_pose"_a, "joint_positions"_a, "parameters"_a = InverseKinematicsParameters(), "frame"_a = std::string(""));
73 c.def("forward_velocity", py::overload_cast<const JointState&, const std::vector<std::string>&>(&Model::forward_velocity),
74 "Compute the forward velocity kinematics, i.e. the twist of certain frames from the joint states", "joint_state"_a, "frames"_a);
75 c.def("forward_velocity", py::overload_cast<const JointState&, const std::string&>(&Model::forward_velocity),
76 "Compute the forward velocity kinematics, i.e. the twist of the end-effector from the joint velocities", "joint_state"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""));
78 c.def("inverse_velocity", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<CartesianTwist>&, const JointPositions&, const std::vector<std::string>&, const double>(&Model::inverse_velocity),
79 "Compute the inverse velocity kinematics, i.e. joint velocities from the velocities of the frames in parameter the Jacobian", "cartesian_twists"_a, "joint_positions"_a, "frames"_a, "dls_lambda"_a = 0.0);
80 c.def("inverse_velocity", py::overload_cast<const CartesianTwist&, const JointPositions&, const std::string&, const double>(&Model::inverse_velocity),
81 "Compute the inverse velocity kinematics, i.e. joint velocities from the twist of the end-effector using the Jacobian", "cartesian_twist"_a, "joint_positions"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""), "dls_lambda"_a = 0.0);
82 c.def("inverse_velocity", py::overload_cast<const std::vector<CartesianTwist>&, const JointPositions&, const QPInverseVelocityParameters&, const std::vector<std::string>&>(&Model::inverse_velocity),
83 "Compute the inverse velocity kinematics, i.e. joint velocities from the velocities of the frames in parameter using the QP optimization method", "cartesian_twists"_a, "joint_positions"_a, "parameters"_a, "frames"_a);
84 c.def("inverse_velocity", py::overload_cast<const CartesianTwist&, const JointPositions&, const QPInverseVelocityParameters&, const std::string&>(&Model::inverse_velocity),
85 "Compute the inverse velocity kinematics, i.e. joint velocities from the twist of the end-effector using the QP optimization method", "cartesian_twist"_a, "joint_positions"_a, "parameters"_a, "frame"_a = std::string(""));
87 c.def("print_qp_problem", &Model::print_qp_problem, "Helper function to print the qp problem (for debugging).");
88 c.def("in_range", [](Model& self, const JointPositions& joint_positions) -> bool { return self.in_range(joint_positions); },
89 "Check if the joint positions are inside the limits provided by the model", "joint_positions"_a);
90 c.def("in_range", [](Model& self, const JointVelocities& joint_velocities) -> bool { return self.in_range(joint_velocities); },
91 "Check if the joint velocities are inside the limits provided by the model", "joint_velocities"_a);
92 c.def("in_range", [](Model& self, const JointTorques& joint_torques) -> bool { return self.in_range(joint_torques); },
93 "Check if the joint torques are inside the limits provided by the model", "joint_torques"_a);
94 c.def("in_range", [](Model& self, const JointState& joint_state) -> bool { return self.in_range(joint_state); },
95 "Check if the joint state variables (positions, velocities & torques) are inside the limits provided by the model", "joint_state"_a);
97 c.def("clamp_in_range", [](Model& self, const JointState& joint_state) -> JointState { return self.clamp_in_range(joint_state); },
98 "Clamp the joint state variables (positions, velocities & torques) according to the limits provided by the model", "joint_state"_a);
101void bind_model(py::module_& m) {
102 inverse_kinematics_parameters(m);
103 qp_inverse_velocity_parameters(m);
104 model(m);
The Model class is a wrapper around pinocchio dynamic computation library with state_representation e...
Definition Model.hpp:62
unsigned int get_number_of_joints() const
Getter of the number of joints.
Definition Model.hpp:533
std::vector< state_representation::CartesianTwist > forward_velocity(const state_representation::JointState &joint_state, const std::vector< std::string > &frames)
Compute the forward velocity kinematics, i.e. the twist of certain frames from the joint states.
Definition Model.cpp:362
Eigen::Vector3d get_gravity_vector() const
Getter of the gravity vector.
Definition Model.hpp:551
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_coriolis_matrix(const state_representation::JointState &joint_state)
Compute the Coriolis matrix from a given joint state.
Definition Model.cpp:201
state_representation::JointTorques compute_inertia_torques(const state_representation::JointState &joint_state)
Compute the Inertia torques, i.e the inertia matrix multiplied by the joint accelerations....
Definition Model.cpp:194
state_representation::JointVelocities inverse_velocity(const std::vector< state_representation::CartesianTwist > &cartesian_twists, const state_representation::JointPositions &joint_positions, const std::vector< std::string > &frames, const double dls_lambda=0.0)
Compute the inverse velocity kinematics, i.e. joint velocities from the velocities of the frames in p...
Definition Model.cpp:394
const std::string & get_base_frame() const
Getter of the base frame of the robot.
Definition Model.hpp:543
state_representation::JointTorques compute_gravity_torques(const state_representation::JointPositions &joint_positions)
Compute the gravity torques.
Definition Model.cpp:217
void set_gravity_vector(const Eigen::Vector3d &gravity)
Setter of the gravity vector.
Definition Model.hpp:555
Eigen::MatrixXd compute_inertia_matrix(const state_representation::JointPositions &joint_positions)
Compute the Inertia matrix from a given joint positions.
Definition Model.cpp:185
const std::string & get_urdf_path() const
Getter of the URDF path.
Definition Model.hpp:529
state_representation::JointPositions inverse_kinematics(const state_representation::CartesianPose &cartesian_pose, const InverseKinematicsParameters &parameters=InverseKinematicsParameters(), const std::string &frame="")
Compute the inverse kinematics, i.e. joint positions from the pose of the end-effector in an iterativ...
Definition Model.cpp:353
std::vector< std::string > get_frames() const
Getter of the frames from the model.
Definition Model.hpp:547
void set_robot_name(const std::string &robot_name)
Setter of the robot name.
Definition Model.hpp:525
state_representation::JointTorques compute_coriolis_torques(const state_representation::JointState &joint_state)
Compute the Coriolis torques, i.e. the Coriolis matrix multiplied by the joint velocities and express...
Definition Model.cpp:209
void print_qp_problem()
Helper function to print the qp_problem (for debugging)
Definition Model.cpp:529
const std::string & get_robot_name() const
Getter of the robot name.
Definition Model.hpp:521
std::vector< std::string > get_joint_frames() const
Getter of the joint frames from the model.
Definition Model.hpp:537
static bool create_urdf_from_string(const std::string &urdf_string, const std::string &desired_path)
Creates a URDF file with desired path and name from a string (possibly the robot description string f...
Definition Model.cpp:22
Class to define positions of the joints.
Class to define a state in joint space.
Class to define torques of the joints.
Class to define velocities of the joints.
Core state variables and objects.
parameters for the inverse kinematics function
Definition Model.hpp:32
parameters for the inverse velocity kinematics function
Definition Model.hpp:49